
The project of AB Giraitės Ginkluotės Gamykla for the installation of renewable energy sources (RES) production capacities has commenced. AB Giraitės Ginkluotės Gamykla is committed to contributing to developing a sustainable society, conserving natural resources and using renewable energy through its responsible activities. A sustainability strategy has been developed to achieve the aforementioned objectives and is updated annually. GGG is committed to reporting annually on achieving its sustainability objectives, thereby ensuring transparency and accountability. This commitment demonstrates our dedication to producing the highest quality products while also taking responsibility for the future of our planet.


By 2050, we aim to become a climate-neutral company
By 2030, we aim to achieve 100% employee engagement in our sustainability initiatives
We aim to maintain our current zero-tolerance for corruption



We aim to provide customers with safe and high-quality ammunition that meets the highest environmental and climate protection standards. The company adheres to the highest ethical standards and does not maintain relations with countries unfriendly to Lithuania.


We seek to be a socially responsible and transparent company where employees receive fair and competency-based remuneration. We create a tolerant work environment where everyone can feel respected and valued.


Our aspiration is to make a collective contribution to the improvement of the environment by adopting responsible practices in waste management. We aim to create a peaceful and safe neighbourhood where residents feel secure about our activities and their environmental impact.


We intend to maintain the company’s impeccable reputation and to be socially responsible and economically stable. It is our intention to guarantee transparency in all operational procedures, safeguard the natural environment, and utilise energy resources efficiently, thereby ensuring both sustainability and profitability.



We consistently communicate with customers and organise discussions during which we discuss their expectations and suggestions on how to increase the sustainability of our production. These discussions allow us to better understand our customers’ needs and continually improve our products by incorporating their feedback and environmental protection goals.


All employees are kept informed of the company’s activities, both in terms of work-related initiatives and social projects. We continually invite our employees to join various initiatives that foster interest and participation in sustainability. The company has a dedicated sustainability development team that meets regularly to develop its sustainability strategy, analyse received suggestions, and organise their realisation.


We regularly disseminate information to the public regarding our operations to ensure the public’s well-being. We maintain a digital dialogue with the community to facilitate their access to information about our activities and enable them to provide suggestions and observations.


During board meetings, we listen to the opinions of shareholders and board members, review new trends leading towards sustainability, and discuss their potential achievements. This dialogue ensures that our decisions align with the expectations of shareholders and sustainability goals, strengthening the company’s reputation and long-term stability.


We prioritise a sustainable relationship with nature and the conservation of resources. The company supports and promotes actions aimed at enhancing environmental responsibility. Following ISO 14001:2015 guidelines, the company is committed to expanding its knowledge and always seeks alternative solutions to improve its relationship with nature. Our goal is to pursue continuous advancement and implement new technologies and methods, focusing on reducing the negative impact on the environment and promoting sustainable activities in all of the company’s operations.


In our social performance, we prioritise fostering harmonious relationships with our employees, customers, business partners, and the well-being of society. We seek to ensure that our actions are based on fairness, respect, and social responsibility. Our goal is for every individual to feel valued and understood. We aim to cultivate robust, enduring relationships with employees, customers, business partners, and the communities served.


Our priority is effective and transparent business development. We publicly disclose our strategic plans and ensure that our activities meet the highest transparency, compliance, and anti-corruption standards. It is our duty to create an environment in which transparency and fairness are fundamental principles of management and in which business actions are guided by clear and long-term goals. Our objective is to guarantee the stability and sustainability of our business development and to foster confidence in our company.

Sustainable marketplace.

We aimed to promote the sustainable use and recycling of unwanted items. Employees had a chance to donate or sell their old clothing, items, or toys by promoting lower consumption and sustainable swaps.

Plant a birthday pine.

Instead of usual gifts, we celebrate our company’s anniversary by gifting our employees a black pine sapling. By doing this, not only do we celebrate the company’s anniversary, but this initiative also has the dual benefit of contributing to environmental sustainability. By planting over 100 trees, we have made a tangible impact on the environment.

Lecture on sustainability.

In March, our initiative was to organise a lecture that would serve as a reminder regarding waste sorting basics and sharing positive sustainability practices. The lecture provided employees with valuable insights that would enable them to reduce their expenditure while simultaneously contributing to environmental conservation.